Saturday, April 14, 2007

What a lovely, lovely night.

Last night, (Friday) after work, my sister and I met my dad for supper. He was in town picking up a patient at the hospital...we had supper at Alexander's and we had THE BEST SOUP EVER. Yumm...

I was supposed to meet up with Emma at her house after supper but she ended up needing more time because she was studying spanish. I had a couple of hours to kill so I went to McNally Robinson and just browsed. I usually only go there if I have a purpose...a coffee date, lunch, a specific book...well tonight I just browsed. And it was wonderful. I looked at a really great photography book and then browsed a couple of novels and then I went upstairs and looked at a bunch of children's books and added to my list of books I want for my future classroom...including this one. On Friday nights McNally has live music, so there was a man playing piano and singing which provided a lovely ambiance for my browsing. It was wonderful.

Then I went out to Emma's and we sat outside (hello, SPRING!) and had a glass of red wine. It felt like a wonderfully sophisticated evening.


Leah said...

It was beautiful last night. Jonny and I went for a late supper and I wore shorts and a tank top with just a knit shrug overtop and I wasn't cold in the least - hoorah for spring!

Shannon said...

It seriously was the best soup ever.

Just Me said...

That is a great book! Ethan brought it home from school and we all enjoyed it! See you later.