Thursday, April 12, 2007

4 more days!!

When I woke up this morning, there was fresh white snow on the ground and on the cars. It's not even noon and the snow is pretty much gone. What a province we live in...

I got the lovliest birthday card from Pastor Blaine and Anne yesterday. Now, where is the mailman? Maybe he has more birthday cards for me!


Leah said...

It is your birthday? Happy Birthday! Doing anything special?

Miss Gina said...

It's my birthday on Monday!!! Hooray!!! I love birthdays!

My birthday will go on for days...first of all I write a final on Monday and then out for lunch with people from class, and then I'll go have cake at Blossoms, and then off to Colleen's...Tuesday I'll probably do something with a different group of friends...and then on Thursday Torry and I are going to the ballet!

Just Me said...

YAY for month long bday's. I used to think that I was the only one, but I now know that it is an acceptable form of celebration :)

kristin janzen said...

what, blaine and anne never send ME anything in the mail.

happy bday!