Monday, March 26, 2007

Such fun!

It’s a Two-by-Two survey!

Answer with things that are relevant to you RIGHT NOW on this day—the 26th of March, 2007 (or whenever you do it). And you know the drill, don’t you? Put your answers in my comments section; let me know if you are posting it on your own blog; answer just a few if you don’t have time; or ignore it altogether! LOL (But I really do hope you’ll join in the fun!)

Two Names You Go By
1. Miss Gina
2. Gigi

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. U of S Scrubs
2. “Shorty’s Skateboards” bunnyhug

Two Things You Have to Have in a Relationship:
1. Laughter
2. Trust

Two of Your Favorite Things to Do
1. Sleep
2. Writing in notebooks…I love it!!!

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment
1. a really loooonnnnngggg night’s sleep
2. popcorn

Two Pets You Had
1. A cat named Murphy
2. A bunch of fish all named after characters from The Little Mermaid (Ariel, Sebastien, Scuttle, Flounder…)

Two People Who Will Fill This Out
1. Shannon
2. Regan

Two Things You Did Last Night
1. Went to Small Group at Shawn and Lisa’s
2. Fell asleep on the couch

Two Things You Ate Today
1. A yummy salad
2. One of my very favourite things…yogurt and berries from the university

Two People You Last Talked To
1. Regan
2. Colleen

Two Favorite Places
1. Church
2. My parent’s house

Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow
1. Going to class
2. Going to Taya's to help her peel 14 dozen hard boiled eggs for sandwiches for a funeral (another guilty pleasure...I LOVE peeling hard boiled eggs!)

Two Longest Car Rides
1. Saskatoon to Florida
2. Burstall to Mexico

Two Favorite Holidays
1. Christmas
2. April 16th--My birthday (I know, not actually a holiday but it is to me! Although this year I have a final on my birthday…oh well…I guess that’s better than having a final the day after my birthday!)

Two Guilty Pleasures
1. Blogging and reading other people’s blogs
2. Adding jewelry to my wish list on the Tiffany & Co. Website

Two Things I Last Got in the Mail
1. Junk mail
2. Cell phone bill

Two Things that Make Me Laugh
1. When Leticia pinches my bum
2. Dorian


kristin janzen said...

Gina, what fun! i will do this on my blog today or tomorrow! i love surveys when they are beyond, what is your favorite color? who is your crush? do they know? etc etc etc.

this one was fun!

Leah said...

Here we go, try and keep up.

Names: Leah and Mom
Wearing Now: striped shirt and jeans
In a relationship: trust and humor
Fav to do: read blogs and visit
Want badly: a house and a wardrobe
Pets: two cats Kanga and Lily
Did Last Night: Gym and had a Blizzard
Ate Today: balogna sandwich and pie
Last Talked To: Jonny and Jenna
Fav Places: wherever coffe with Lisa and Jenn is and chat n' play at church
Tomorrow: babysit and gym
Car Ride: Saskatoon to Vancouver and North Battleford to Minot
Holiday: Easter and July long
Guilty Pleasure: Video on Trial and Big Brother
In the Mail: Bills and More Bills
Make me Laugh: Alanna and Emerie

Just Me said...

Two Names You Go By
1. Jenn
2. Babe (I only answer to Tim)

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Lululemon pants
2. the very best ever Victora Secret bra

Two Things You Have to Have in a Relationship:
1. Laughter
2. Trust

Two of Your Favorite Things to Do
1. shop
2. cook

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment
1. a pair of balck stilleto boots (my heel broke off again in the ice :(
2. MMMMMoxie's!!!

Two Pets You Had
1. A rat-ginger
2. A dog-T-Bear

Two People Who Will Fill This Out
1. I am hurt/shocked/offended...hurt that I was not named :(

Two Things You Did Last Night
1. Gave a massage
2. watched tv with Tim

Two Things You Ate Today
1. Perogies
2. Salad

Two People You Last Talked To
1. Daniel Piper
2. Lisa

Two Favorite Places
1. Church
2. West Edmonton Mall

Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow
1. Give 3 massages
2. Have coffee with friends

Two Longest Car Rides
1. Saskatoon to Ontario
2. Saskatoon to Estevan (I know it only 4.5 hours, but it feels soooo long!)

Two Favorite Holidays
1. Christmas
2. My birthday-Feb 11

Two Guilty Pleasures
1. Dancing
2. Hip hop Music

Two Things I Last Got in the Mail
1. My Taste of Home Magazine (great recipes!)
2. Instyle

Two Things that Make Me Laugh
1. When Leticia pinches my bum
2. Blaine laughing at his own jokes thinking that we are laughing at him but really we are laughing at him laughing at himself!! :)

Shannon said...

ok, i filled it out because you said i would. on my blog.