Sunday, March 18, 2007


Last night I went to Premonition with Emma and my sister Shannon.

Here's a picture of Emma.

And here's one of Shannon under some weird thing in Mexico.

And here's one of Shannon's feet.

Anyway, after a bit of drama finding each other at the movie (because Shannon didn't have her cell phone) there were like a billion previews. Now, I generally enjoy watching previews but after watching Premonition, I wished that I hadn't seen the trailer at all. It kind of ruined the movie a bit for us. What's with previews lately anyway? Like, I know they want you to get an idea of what the movie is about but the goal should be to INTRIGUE the viewer, not tell them the whole story! Could someone please get into the movie industry and teach these people a thing or two about making trailers?

I would myself but I don't have time.

That being said, we did really enjoy the movie. Sandra Bullock was excellent. I really enjoy her as an actress and I'm happy for her that she finally did a good film after a couple of not so great ones. The thing is...I don't know about you guys but I would have been willing to overlook a lot in Miss Congeniality 2 if only Benjamin Bratt would have been in it. Whoever decided to have them break up in the first 5 minutes of the movie is stupid. He's hot.

Next weekend is Gardenscape, which is the official start of my job this summer! So this week will be filled with homework and getting ready for next weekend. Busy busy busy...I wonder what it's like to be not busy. Probably boring...and wonderful.


Leah said...

I would just like to say that I happened to really like The Lake House, but I do understand that isn't wasn't a huge fav among other people.

Miss Gina said...

For the record...I did think it was a good idea for a movie. It was original and to all the people who complain and say that it was stupid because it could never happen I say shut up because they didn't intend for it to be realistic! (plus most of what happens in the movies would never happen!) I also thought that Sandra Bullock did some good acting. I just think the way it was put together was disappointing. It was so up and down and there were too many climaxes.

More than anything, when I said it was not so great, I meant that it didn't do too well and I felt bad for Sandra Bullock because I think she's fabulous.

And they should have stopped at one Miss Congeniality...but that's usually true for most movies.

Well, this ended up being a blog entry of it's own! Good small group tonight, hey?

Leah said...

I hate it when people say that movies aren't realistic. My mother said that coming out of Spiderman. LMAO

Miss Gina said...

LMAO? Does that mean Lame-o?

Leah said...

HA HA - laugh my ars off

Miss Gina said...

haha...guess I'm not up on my computer abbrev's! I know LOL!

We have all kinds of abbreviations that we use in the flower industry when we're doing orders over the phone so we don't have to write it all down...

TOY=Thinking of you
WYASR=Wishing you a speedy recovery
OTAPAWY=Our thoughts and prayers are with you
LOL=Lots of love
WDS=With deepest sympathy

and the list goes on...