Tuesday, March 27, 2007

All things grammar....and stuff.

So...those close to me may or may not have noticed my efforts in the past few months to improve my grammar and speech.

All my life I've rebelliously been saying "Me and..." instead of "...and I". Now I am trying to change it and I've found the only way to do so is to make a conscious and verbal effort. So when I hear myself say, "me and..." I have been correcting myself out loud.

I've also been trying to stop saying "like" so often. That one is harder. When you're used to telling a story saying, "And he was like," "And I was like," and so on, it's difficult to tell a story without it!

Part of the reason I've been doing this is simply because I want to improve myself. The other part is because I am going to be a teacher and I don't want to teach poor english and bad habits.

In light of this post, I thought it fitting to tell you all about Grammar Girl. (When I say her name, in my head I hear the theme song to Hercules).

She has this website where she answers questions, dispells grammar myths, and corrects common grammar errors. I was checking out Jenna's blog and she had seen Grammar Girl (Hercules!) on Oprah. I'll quote Jenna: "Ha ha, and Grammar Girl is even funny!! You can look her up if you are a geek like me and are interested." And I thought...I am! And I am! So I looked her up and she's great. She validates some of the things that bug me about peoples' writing. You guys should check her out too.

On that note...here's a bit of random stuff that I thought fit in here.

Why is is that when I spell my name "G-I-N-A" people write "J-I-N-A"???

And when I tell people I teach "ballroom dancing" they think I say either "bar dancing" or "Barn dancing"???

And when I say my phone number "1-6-3-6" they think I said "1-6-2-6"???



Leah said...

Whenever I told people that I worked at the police station they always thought I said that I worked for Play Station.

Anonymous said...

When I spell my name J-I-L-L-A, they write G-I-L-L-A. Most recently I was called Willa though, that was funny. Also, when I tell people I am a belly-dancer, the think I have said Ballet Dancer. Now that one is REALLY funny. You have to be tall and thin to do that, with definitely NO belly involved!!!

Shannon said...

That grammar lady is quite hilarious. Does Ky know about her?

Anonymous said...

I didn't, but I do now! And, Gina, in some contexts, saying "me and so&so" is not only ok, it's more correct that "so&so and I"

Miss Gina said...

Leah--that's funny. If someone said that to me, I'd be like...Oh, what exactly do you do for Play Station??? Can you get me a deal on a system?

Jilla--I guess it's the g's and j's...I've resorted to way over enunciating the g, pausing, and then saying i-n-a. When's your next production of Swan Lake?

Shannon--Ky knows.

Ky--I know in some cases it's okay but I was saying it like, "me and Shannon live in a pink house." So I'm trying to change that.

Anonymous said...

oh MY GOSH !!! i totally have that problem.. whenever i call ppl at work i say it is Regan calling and they ALWAYS SAY ... RITA????? oh my gosh i just want to scream or laugh in their ear... so dumb!!