Saturday, February 10, 2007

The U-Pass

Wow...I can't believe it passed. We just had a referendum at the U of S regarding the U-Pass. It is a mandatory, $120 fee for a bus pass applied to all students whether or not you take the bus. They tried to pass it a few years ago and it failed. I can't believe it passed.

Okay, so people who take the bus have to pay almost $400 a year for their bus passes...well, I pay that much between gas and my parking pass!

And I understand the environmental benefits to taking the bus, but our city simply does not have a good enough system to allow me or many other people who have busy lives to take the bus quickly and efficiently from one activity to the next.

I can't believe it passed.


kristin janzen said...

wow, i didn't even know it had passed until i read this! i voted no as well but it didnt matter to me that much cuz I'M SOOOO OUTA THERE in april!!! but.... too bad for the rest of you. i tried to help you out ;)

Anonymous said...

S'toon's transit system sucks right now because it is under used and under-funded. The hope is that with the implementation of the U-Pass, our transit system will improve with increased use of it.

I voted yes to U-Pass even though I walk to school and will essentially be paying for something that I might only use a couple of times a month. I think the environmental, traffic and economic (for others) benefits outweigh the increase in student fees.

Also, for those people who do continue to drive to school, there will be more parking spaces available due to less traffic on campus.

Just my thoughts.