Friday, February 9, 2007

Kindergarten Quotes!!!

Another day of student teaching! Today was AWESOME...but also EXHAUSTING. It was the last day of school before the break, so there was so much going on. They had an assembly, and they had to pass out valentines, and they had valentine's snacks and sang valentines songs...and extra play time today! It was so much fun!

I decided to start writing some of the stuff down that they say because they are just too darn cute! Miss Amelia is my friend and fellow student-teacher. (The kids call us Miss and our last names...I'm just using our first names on the blog). The names of the kids have been changed, as has the name of our co-op teacher.

Mrs. K-"Are you guys ready to sing?"
Blake-(with hands on hips, turning to Miss Amelia)-"Did you know I was born ready?"

Dustin-"Mrs. K, maybe we need a snack."
Mrs. K-"Why would we need a snack?"
Blake-"Because it energizes us up!"

Ian-"Happy Valenstine day!"

Blake(as his eyes are getting bigger and bigger looking at all the valentine's treats)-"I can't have too much sugar or I'll overreact!"

(you'll notice I've mentioned Blake a few times. The things that come out of this 5 year old's mouth are priceless)

Mrs. K-"Does anyone remember the title of our book?" (The title is Do Like a Duck)
Dayna-(REALLY excited because she thinks she remembers it)-"It's...Do you...Do you like ducks...Do ducks quack...QUACK LIKE A DUCK!!!"

Miss Gina-"What's an animal that starts with the letter H?"
Miss Gina-"And what do horses eat?"
Miss Gina-"What else starts with H?"
Jory-"Hey you, what are you doing?"



Leah said...

hey you what are you doing - HA - that makes me laugh out loud.

Miss Gina said...

Aha! Another late night blog checker! Did you just get back from Boston Pizza?

Ya, the kids today were so cute. I'm sure I'll have lots more stories of the funny things know all about that! That girl of yours is a hoot!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty much going to say, "Did you know I was born ready?" forever now.