Thursday, February 8, 2007

I did it myself!

Hey hey....I went to check out the new Walmart today! It's huge!!!! It's really nice too...really clean, really well laid out. It's nice.

And then...I did it myself! It has self-checkouts! It's crazy cool. You just walk up to them, scan your stuff, put it in a bag, and pay a machine! I know there will be some people reading this that will be all, you know, anti-technology and stuff, but you've gotta's cool.

I should go get some work done before tonight. We're going to a concert at Circle Drive Alliance Church...Hiram's back in town! He was one of the soloists at our choir Christmas Concert this year and he's amazing! Check out his website! Buy his CD!!

Oh, this week's Sheaf came out with a couple of responses to that guy's editorial. I guess they got like, TONS of responses and they just published a couple. Check it out! Letters are close to the end of section A.


Leah said...

Give me a T-O-R-R-Y, yeeeaaaaahhhhh Torry!!!! Congratulations to him.

Becca said...

Hey Gina
Just thought I'd say hi and let you in on me as a blogger as well (
See ya in a few weeks