Monday, June 21, 2010

Time is ticking away, tick-tick-ticking away!

That title is a throwback for all you old school DC Talk Fans like me.

Anyway, time. Yes. I remember posting this and how I felt. Just under 2 years ago, I was freaking out and feeling very surreal about my first day of school as a teacher. Now, I'm a week away from the end of my second year of teaching! Wow. I will always love my job, but I am SO looking forward to summer!

I had a wonderful summer last year, but it was SO busy. This year, apart from working a day and a half a week for fun (I mean, I'm still getting paid) at the flower shop I used to work at, I am taking it very easy. I'll be living at my favourite house on Baker Road (the Day house) and enjoying summer fun in Saskatoon. I'm going to catch up on my big pile of books and catch up with friends and just have fun. SO EXCITED.

Oh, and I might go to a couple of short courses offered by the STF in Saskatoon. Learning where I don't have to do any work? Sign me up!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


How do you know when "dieting" has transitioned into a life change?

Today I got home and I was tired from the day and it's gray and rainy and cold. It felt like one of those "comfort food" days.

What did I reach for?


What a month!


It's always going to be a crazy month for teachers. But this June? It's a doozy. This month I have:

-2 weddings
-1 field trip
-2 wedding showers
-1 best friend coming home from Vancouver for a visit
-28 report cards
-1 teacher retirement event (obviously not for me)
-2 board meetings
-and a bunch of school events that I'm too tired to even think of.
