Friday, April 23, 2010

New Old!

Today I was super excited to wear my "new" jeans to school--they're actually old jeans from when I worked at GAP. They haven't fit me in about 3 years! And, if I do say so myself, (and obviously I am) my bum looked GREAT!

On another note, isn't it weird how you can get so tired of eating one thing and yet eat another all the time and never get sick of it? I LOVE green beans. I have been eating green beans 2 or 3 nights a week every week since September and even still, when they're cooking, I can't WAIT for them to be done so I can eat them!

That's all I've got for today. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I love the way his mind works!

I wish everyone could meet this kid. Lucas is one of my grade 1 students and he's just the coolest, most inquisitive kid I've ever met. His questions are SO funny, but he doesn't ask them to be funny! It's really just the way he thinks.

I was walking home from school today, listening to my iPod. Lucas saw me and came over to say hi. Here is our conversation:

Lucas-So, did you have lots of fun at school today, Miss Smith?
Me-I sure did, Lucas, did you?
L-Is that your iPod?
L-Oh. What colour is it? Oh, it's blue?
L-And do you just like it a lot?
M-I do like it a lot.
L-Oh. (taking it out of my hand and smelling it) What song are you listening to now?
M-I'm actually not listening to a song, I'm listening to a book!
L-How do you listen to a book on there?
M-Well, someone reads the book out loud and then they record it and I put it on my iPod!
L-Oh, how big is the book?
M-Well, it's about this big (holding up my fingers to show the novel thickness).
L-Oh, so that's probably 100 pages I bet.
M-Well, it's probably more like 300 pages.
L-Oh. So is your iPod really old already or is it new?
M-It's probably almost 2 years old.
L-Oh. Where did you get it?
M-I got it for a Christmas present.
L-From who?
M-From my mom and dad.
L-So, I bet it costed about a hundred dollars probably?
M-Well, I think it was more like about $150.
L-Oh. So, they put all their money together to buy it for you?
M-Ya, something like that.
L-So, what does your dad look like?
M-Well, he's pretty tall and he has short dark hair...
L-Is it blacker than yours is?
M-It is. And he has glasses.
L-What kind of glasses are they? Are they like yours?
M-Kind of, but his are glasses for boys.
L-Oh, so are they blue?
M-I think they're black.
L-Oh. So you got your iPod for a Christmas present?
L-From your mom and dad?
L-Where did they buy it from?
M-I think it was from Wal-Mart.
L-Which one? (Thinking hard) In Saskatoon?
M-Maybe. Or it might have been in Medicine Hat.
L-Oh. And it was 2 years ago?
L-Oh. So are you going to have some supper now?
L-Okay. Bye!

Seriously. Don't you just want to meet this kid?

Monday, April 12, 2010

What a day

I really could make a strong case for having just a half day of school on the first day back from a week off. At least for elementary students. Especially ones who are 6-8 years old in a classroom of 28.


I mean, they weren't BAD today, they were just nuts! Crazy! Overstimulated! Energetic! Loud. It was like they saved all their Easter candy and ate it ALL this morning.

Thank goodness we had Phys. Ed. this afternoon. I threw out a bunch of balls and hula hoops and just told them to go nuts. And they did!

And now I'm exhausted.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

For reals?

I don't even know what to say about this.