Sunday, July 5, 2009

Facial Accessory

No, I didn't get my nose pierced, if that's what you're thinking. Although, I want to.

So, I've wanted glasses my whole life. I was always jealous of people who had glasses because every couple of years, they got a new accessory for their face! But, I've always had really good eyesight, so I've always been out of luck.

Well, I went the other day for my first eye appointment in probably 5 years*. I've always been a little bit farsighted and now because I do so much close-up work like marking and reading and computer work, I've been getting a bit of eye strain. So the optometrist said I could get glasses to reduce the strain!!! Hooray! Finally!

*Okay, maybe it's been 10 years. I know, I know.