Saturday, November 24, 2007

Just like a car wreck.

High School Musical 2 is currently on T.V. Why am I watching it??? I can't believe how dumb it is but I'm even more amazed that I haven't turned it off. It's been on for over an hour.

To pass the time.

I just love this cat. I love when Winston sneezes.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Parent-Teacher interviews today and tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Do people remember this cartoon? I sure don't.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I could have died.

I almost hit a moose tonight. A big one. With full antlers.

I was driving home from Biggar...I was there late b/c my co-op and I were doing report cards. So it was pitch black out and I was cruising down the highway and all of a sudden there was a moose beside my car. He must have come up from out of the ditch on the same side of the highway as me. I couldn't see him until he was level with my car...I didn't even have time to brake. As I saw him I could see his legs were moving so I'm pretty sure he was running. If I had been even one second later I would have hit his whole body at full speed and he would have been laying in my seat.

I don't know if I've ever been so scared in my life. I know that I sometimes tend toward the dramatic, but I really am not exaggerating about how close of a call it was.

I think I'm still in shock.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Define this...

I'm wondering how people define high maintenance (like in a person). I'm going to leave this on here until I get at least a few definitions, so you might as well comment!